We offer a wide range of core and recommended vaccinations for both cats and dogs as part of our full-service veterinary care in Broomfield CO. Our compassionate and skilled team is prepared to guide you through getting pet vaccinations in Broomfield CO, making sure you understand not just the what but the why.

Why Are Vaccinations Important for a Pet’s Health

Vaccinations are specifically-designed to prevent serious pet ailments that could cause great suffering, expense, and even the death of your beloved pet. Some can be passed onto humans where even greater risks and costs are involved. Because treating these common diseases can be quite expensive, vaccinations are the cost-effective and humane way to protect you and your pet. Many vaccines don’t require an office visit for a repeat patient and probably cost a lot less than you think.

What Types of Vaccinations Do We Offer

Canine Core Vaccinations

  • Rabies
  • DA2PP (Distemper, adenovirus (type 1 & 2), parainfluenza, parvovirus)
  • Leptospirosis – This bacterial disease can be passed to humans and cause serious side effects including death

Canine Non-Core Vaccinations

  • Bordetella (Kennel cough vaccine) – Important for dogs who will spend time in a pet boarding house, home with multiple dogs, dog park or other social setting
  • Canine influenza bivalent

Feline Core Vaccinations

  • Rabies
  • FVRCP (Herpesvirus, calicivirus, panleukopenia, chlamydia felis)

Feline Non-Core Vaccinations

  • Feline leukemia vaccine – This highly contagious and common cat disease devastates those who contract it, significantly shortens lifespan, and is hard to treat.
Pet Vaccinations in Broomfield, CO

The Typical Vaccination Schedule

We recommend that pet parents begin vaccinating their puppies and kittens between 6-8 weeks of age. For puppies, this would be the DA2PP and Leptospirosis vaccinations. For kittens, the FVRCP vaccination.

Your vet gives boosters 3-4 weeks apart until your kitten or puppy is fully vaccinated. If you have adopted a youth or adult, inquire about their vaccination status as they may need to catch up on their pet vaccinations in Broomfield CO.

Required by law, every cat and dog must receive rabies starting between 14-16 weeks of age and then again in 1 year. After that, they can receive the rabies vaccination every 3 years.

Are your pet vaccinations in Broomfield CO up-to-date? Contact us to schedule an appointment.